Tuesday, February 17, 2009

God used a photo to change me

I can't believe that is has been almost a year since I last posted on this blog. For those of you who have taken the time to read my ramblings I apologize for my absence. Much has changed in the past 12 months. I won't bore you with the details, but I do want to share this story with you.

Last November I was out looking for a feature photo that would be used on one of our newspaper's section fronts. It was a fairly mild fall day. The sun was shining and I was driving around town looking for something of interest.

I had no idea that what I was about to find was going to be much more than just a subject of a photograph.

I was driving past the local low-income housing project when I spotted two kids playing in the leaves. I drove around the block and came back to where I had spotted them. They were moving the leaves with a rake and a snow shovel. They were dressed in t-shirts and jeans. I saw their mother sitting in a chair nearby keeping an eye on the youngsters. I approached her, identified myself and asked her if it would be okay for me photograph her children for the newspaper. She said it would be fine and then I told the kids (as I tell all children who see me taking their pictures) to just ignore me and go back to playing like they were before I got there. Kids are pretty good at that adults on the other hand, not so much.

I moved off to one side and used a telephoto lens (300mm) to photograph them playing. It wasn't a cold day, but it wasn't warm either. The two, brother and sister, didn't seem to mind. It was then that I noticed that they were running around outdoors in their socks. I had seen this kind of thing before and really never paid much attention to it. It was little more than a footnote this time as well.

I thanked the mother, waved goodbye to the kids and left. The photo didn't run the next day. It was published the day after that. When I saw the paper, the fact that the kids were in just socks really hit me. I knew that I needed to go back to see that family. I made a couple of 4x6 prints of the photos. The photo of the little boy was the one that got in the paper so I made sure to take one of his sister for the family as well. I grabbed a few extra copies of the paper and headed to the projects.

I went to the door of the family's apartment. The mother answered the door. I presented her with the papers and the photos. Then God took over. I said that I had noticed that her children were not wearing shoes when I had been there before. I asked her if I could buy her children shoes. I had never done anything like this before and I had photographed many people who were in greater need than these folks. I believe that God was talking to me. He may have been talking to me before, but now I was listening. The mom told me that they had shoes, but what they needed was pants, shirts, and a winter coat for a toddler that I didn't even know she had. I told her I would get the clothes if she'd let me buy them shoes too. She smiled and said "Sure."

I got all the necessary sizes and told the mom that I'd be back some time in the next couple of days. I headed directly to Payless Shoes. I bought two pair of shoes along with a dozen pairs of socks and never had more fun buying shoes in my life! Then I headed to the ARC to see what was available in second-hand clothes for these kids. I found several pairs of pants, shirts, and even the winter coat that the family was in need of. I could swear that I was walking on air.

All in all it took me about an hour to get the items that the family needed. I returned to the apartment. When mom answered the door I held out my hand holding a large bag of clothes and shoes. She took it, smiled and said "Thank you." It was at that point that I said something I had never heard myself say before. "Don't thank me, thank God." "This came from him, not me." It wasn't something that I had planned to say, it was just what came out. I knew at that moment that what I had been experiencing was the Holy Spirit working through me.

In that one afternoon I felt like I was able to accomplish more than the entire 21 years I had spent working as a photographer at the newspaper. I can tell you that if you asked me now if I would trade my entire career for that kind of an experience, I would tell you that I would in a heartbeat! I doubt I would have said that a year ago.

While walking back to my truck I realized that there was more work like this to be done and that there was no way I could bankroll it. So I prayed and thought about it. In the meantime God was working. I had done a freelance job some months before and if your image is selected for the cover there is a bonus fee that is paid to the photographer. I discovered my photo was selected for the cover. when I received the payment I went to work to use it to help more children in the projects.

God led me to design bracelets. They are like the ones that Lance Armstrong uses in his "Livestrong" campaign to battle cancer. The ones I designed say "I Believe" and John 3:16 on them and are red in color. I purchased 500 of them at .50/ea and have been selling them for $2/ea. The proceeds all going to help additional families in need.

I have named the venture "Mission Possible". I have gotten a good deal of support from the church I attend, The First Church of God. I have also found that many folks are willing to give a couple of dollars to help make a difference in the lives of local kids. The money pays for basic clothing needs for children in the one housing project, nothing else.

I found an amazing woman who works at the Boys & Girls club in the neighborhood who helps us. She identifies need, contacts the family to see if they are interested and then she passes the information along to me. We are on our way to helping the fourth family and hoping to assist many more.

That one afternoon completely and totally changed my life. God moved in me and I will never be the same. I now know that I was put here to serve Him and those in need. I feel so used! And I absolutely love it!

This photograph was worth much more than 1,000 words.


Jonathan Storment said...

That's great Bryan! I am so happy to hear that God is using you like that. It seems like when we see stuff like that and act on it, God always shows up. Congratulations on experiencing God's faithfulness, and making the world a bit better Bryan!

Anonymous said...

Bryan, I believe God has a purpose and plan for each of us... I need to do more listening to Him to find out mine. I'm touched and inspired by your discovery!

John and Jodie Ackerman said...

I googled your name and found your website. My name is John Ackerman and we met in the narthex of the church in Anderson, In. I am a missionary in Haiti and was quite impressed with your camera equipment. All that aside I just wanted to comment on the strength and uniqueness of your ministry and your witness through it. Thanks for allowing photos to change you. Your ministry is a blessing. Keep it up

Raenie said...

Wow, what a powerful and moving experience. I believe God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things.

I took your class on Saturday and I really appreciate what you do and the knowledge I gained from you. I have a real desire to know more and do more and experience more through photography. I finally feel like this is something I'm passionate about but very much a beginner. I look forward to hopefully working with you more and learning from a true professional.

Raenie Pratt

Bryan said...


Great to have you in the class! I would like to encourage you to explore all sorts of photography to find direction for where you'd like it to take you. Where ever that is I hope that I might be able to help you move in that direction.

Please feel free to stay in touch and ask me questions any time! Let me know when you might like to come hang out and we'll figure something out.